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Millennia connects with Gallagher

08th January 2021

Infodata is pleased to announce that Millennia Connections now supports direct integration with room key and member identity cards from Gallagher.

Gallagher are a world leader in Access Control systems with a great range of physical and electronic barrier options to control access to premises from the outside or to controlled areas within a building. We have integrated Millennia proximity member card system with Gallagher to provide a seamless control system which validates the card in Millennia (i.e. does the card belong to a current member) and allows access through the physical barrier.

The system is installed at a new security foyer at the Union Jack Club where staff monitor access, allow visitor access and can impose a full or partial lockdown of the building.

Together with interfaces to the Paxton Access Control System and the Unifi.id recognition system means there is a variety of Access Control solutions for Millennia users.

Contact us to find out more about Millennia Access Control solutions.

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